Database Voice Broadcast

Okay, team. So as I talked about in my presentation, a part of your database nurturing campaign, staying in touch with your past clients needs to involve various mediums, right? So I used to send out a newsletter, as I mentioned, on a quarterly basis that had a personal tone to it, two personal handwritten note cards a day, 10 a week, 520 a year. I mentioned that. Yes, you should use something like Homebot to drip timely market information on them, on the value of their property. I think that’s an incredibly valuable tool. But there’s a medium that very few use that is so incredibly powerful, and I brought this medium to the mortgage industry back in 1995 at a Todd Duncan seminar. So I go way back literally 30 years with the utilization of this, which is voice broadcasting technology. Now, I want to speak to the pros and cons of voice broadcasting technology for a minute before I give you the scripts.

So the ability to leave one non-salutated generic message and send it out to everybody in your past client database in the course of a couple of hours at very little cost with your energy, your excitement, your tonality, and your voice inflection is incredibly powerful. Now, the downside, of course, is that generic non-salutated part of the message. So I never had a problem with it because if you start off with some enthusiasm, they don’t even realize that you didn’t use their first name. But the message needs to be generic. You can’t reference, as an example, “I hope you and your kids are doing well,” because if somebody is getting this message and they don’t have kids, then of course they’re going to be like, “Well, this clearly wasn’t for me.” Now, I like to send these voice broadcasts out at random times of the year, but somewhat strategic.

So I used to always say, everybody sends out a holiday card, and it costs them, I don’t know, over a couple of bucks with postage and everything. To me, that’s not as effective as sending out a voice broadcast, which is at a fraction of the cost and has greater impact. So the times of the year that I used to send out my voice broadcasts were after the first of the year, around the 4th of July weekend, and then at Thanksgiving. And you could do it during Valentine’s Day; you could do it during Labor Day weekend; whatever it is that you choose, mix it up and explore this tool. And there are a lot of different companies out there, like I said like Slydial, and other companies that you can use for this purpose.

Okay, so let me give you some sample scripts.

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